
Source code for minedojo.tasks.meta.creative.creative

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, Dict, Any, Union, Tuple, Optional, Literal

from ..base import MetaTaskBase
from ....sim.inventory import InventoryItem

[docs]class CreativeMeta(MetaTaskBase): """ Class for creative tasks. Args: break_speed_multiplier: Controls the speed of breaking blocks. A value larger than 1.0 accelerates the breaking. Default: ``1.0``. event_level_control: If ``True``, the agent is able to perform high-level controls including place and equip. If ``False``, then is keyboard-mouse level control. Default: ``True``. fast_reset: If ``True``, reset using MC native command `/kill`, instead of waiting for re-generating new worlds. Default: ``True``. .. warning:: Side effects: 1. Changes to the world will not be reset. E.g., if the agent chops lots of trees then calling fast reset will not restore those trees. 2. If you specify agent starting health and food, these specs will only be respected at the first reset (i.e., generating a new world) but will not be respected in the following resets (i.e., reset using MC cmds). So be careful to use this wrapper if your usages require specific initial health/food. 3. Statistics/achievements will not be reset. This wrapper will maintain a property ``info_prev_reset``. If your tasks use stat/achievements to evaluation, please retrieve this property and compute differences. image_size: The size of image observations. initial_weather: If not ``None``, specifies the initial weather. Can be one of ``"clear"``, ``"normal"``, ``"rain"``, ``"thunder"``. Default: ``None``. lidar_rays: Defines the directions and maximum distances of the lidar rays if ``use_lidar`` is ``True``. If supplied, should be a list of tuple(pitch, yaw, distance). Pitch and yaw are in radians and relative to agent looking vector. Default: ``None``. seed: The seed for an instance's internal generator. Default: ``None``. sim_name: Name of a simulation instance. Default: "CreativeMeta". start_food: If not ``None``, specifies initial food condition of the agent. Default: ``None``. start_health: If not ``None``, specifies initial health condition of the agent. Default: ``None``. start_position: If not ``None``, specifies the agent's initial location and orientation in the minecraft world. Default: ``None``. use_lidar: If ``True``, includes lidar in observations. Default: ``False``. use_voxel: If ``True``, includes voxel in observations. Default: ``False``. voxel_size: Defines the voxel's range in each axis if ``use_voxel`` is ``True``. If supplied, should be a dict with keys ``xmin``, ``xmax``, ``ymin``, ``ymax``, ``zmin``, ``zmax``. Each value specifies the voxel size relative to the agent. Default: ``None``. world_seed: Seed for deterministic world generation if ``generate_world_type`` is ``"default"`` or ``"specified_biome"``. See `here <>`_ for more details. Default: ``None``. """ collection: Literal["manual", "youtube", "gpt3"] | None = None source: dict[Literal["youtube_id", "start", "end"], str | int] | None = None def __init__( self, *, # ------ initial conditions ------ start_position: Optional[Dict[str, Union[float, int]]] = None, start_health: Optional[float] = None, start_food: Optional[int] = None, initial_weather: Optional[str] = None, initial_inventory: Optional[List[InventoryItem]] = None, # ------ sim seed & world seed ------ seed: Optional[int] = None, world_seed: Optional[str] = None, # ------ reset mode ------ fast_reset: bool = True, # ------ obs ------ image_size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], use_voxel: bool = True, voxel_size: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None, use_lidar: bool = False, lidar_rays: Optional[List[Tuple[float, float, float]]] = None, # ------ event-level action or keyboard-mouse level action ------ event_level_control: bool = True, # ------ misc ------ break_speed_multiplier: float = 1.0, sim_name: str = "CreativeMeta", ): super().__init__( fast_reset=fast_reset, success_criteria=None, reward_fns=None, seed=seed, sim_name=sim_name, image_size=image_size, use_voxel=use_voxel, voxel_size=voxel_size, use_lidar=use_lidar, lidar_rays=lidar_rays, event_level_control=event_level_control, initial_inventory=initial_inventory, break_speed_multiplier=break_speed_multiplier, world_seed=world_seed, start_position=start_position, initial_weather=initial_weather, start_health=start_health, start_food=start_food, ) def _compute_reward_hook( self, ini_info: Dict[str, Any], pre_info: Dict[str, Any], cur_info: Dict[str, Any], elapsed_timesteps: int, ) -> Union[int, float]: return 0 def _determine_success_hook( self, ini_info: Dict[str, Any], cur_info: Dict[str, Any], elapsed_timesteps: int ) -> bool: return False @property def task_prompt(self) -> str: return super().get_prompt()