
Source code for minedojo.tasks

from __future__ import annotations
import re
import sys
import importlib_resources
from itertools import product
from omegaconf import OmegaConf

from .meta.base import MetaTaskBase
from ..sim import MineDojoSim, InventoryItem
from ..sim.wrappers import FastResetWrapper, ARNNWrapper
from .meta import (
import logging

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr)
_stream_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("[%(levelname)s:%(name)s] %(message)s"))

def _resource_file_path(fname) -> str:
    with importlib_resources.path("minedojo.tasks.description_files", fname) as p:
        return str(p)

_MetaTaskName2Class = {
    "Open-Ended": MineDojoSim,
    "Harvest": HarvestMeta,
    "Combat": CombatMeta,
    "TechTree": TechTreeMeta,
    "Playthrough": Playthrough,
    "Survival": SurvivalMeta,
    "Creative": CreativeMeta,
MetaTaskName2Class = {k.lower(): v for k, v in _MetaTaskName2Class.items()}

def _meta_task_make(meta_task: str, *args, **kwargs) -> MetaTaskBase | FastResetWrapper:
    Gym-style making tasks from names.

    Usage example:

    .. highlight:: python
    .. code-block:: python

        import minedojo
        env = minedojo.make(task_name, *args, **kwargs)

        meta_task: Name of the meta task. Can be one of (and their lower-cased equivalents)
            ``"Open-Ended"``, ``"Harvest"``, ``"Combat"``, ``"TechTree"``,
            ``"Playthrough"``, ``"Survival"``, ``"Creative"``.

        *args: See corresponding task's docstring for more info.

        **kwargs: See corresponding task's docstring for more info.
    meta_task = meta_task.lower()
    assert (
        meta_task in MetaTaskName2Class
    ), f"Invalid meta task name provided {meta_task}"
    if meta_task == "open-ended":
        if "fast_reset" in kwargs:
            fast_reset = kwargs.pop("fast_reset")
            fast_reset_random_teleport_range = kwargs.pop(
                "fast_reset_random_teleport_range", None
            if fast_reset is True:
                return FastResetWrapper(
                    MineDojoSim(*args, **kwargs), fast_reset_random_teleport_range
    return MetaTaskName2Class[meta_task](*args, **kwargs)

_ALL_TASKS_SPECS_UNFILLED = OmegaConf.load(_resource_file_path("tasks_specs.yaml"))
# check no duplicates

# all possible variables used to fill specs
    # Combat
    "combat_biomes": ["forest", "plains", "extreme_hills"],
    "regular_biomes_mob": [
    "regular_biomes_night_mob": [
    "end_mob": ["shulker", "endermite", "enderman",],
    "nether_mob": [
    "plains_mob": ["horse", "donkey"],
    "weapon_material": ["wooden", "iron", "diamond"],
    "armor_material": ["leather", "iron", "diamond"],
    # Harvest
    "quantity": [1, 8],
    ## wool and milk
    "cow_biomes": ["plains", "extreme_hills", "forest"],
    "sheep_biomes": ["plains", "extreme_hills", "forest"],
    ## mine
    "ore_type": ["iron_ore", "gold_ore", "diamond", "redstone", "coal", "cobblestone"],
    "pickaxe_material": ["wooden", "stone", "iron", "golden", "diamond"],
    ## most supported items (default only)
    "natural_items": [
    "craft_items": [
    "crafting_table_items": [
    "furnace_items": [
    ## core items
    ### most of the items here need trees in the biomes
    "biome_subset": ["plains", "jungle", "taiga", "forest", "swampland"],
    "natural_core": [
    "hand_craft_core": [
    "crafting_table_core": [
    "furnace_core": [
    # Tech-tree
    "from_barehand_tools": ["wooden", "stone"],
    "from_barehand_tools_armor": ["iron", "golden", "diamond"],
    "from_wood_tools": ["stone"],
    "from_wood_tools_armor": ["iron", "golden", "diamond"],
    "from_stone_tools_armor": [
    "from_iron_tools_armor": [
    "from_gold_tools_armor": [
    "target_tools": [
    "target_armor": [
    "target_tools_armor": [
    "redstone_list": [

[docs]def product_dict(**kwargs): keys = kwargs.keys() vals = kwargs.values() for instance in product(*vals): yield dict(zip(keys, instance))
ALL_TASKS_SPECS = {} for task_id, task_specs in _ALL_TASKS_SPECS_UNFILLED.items(): unfilled_vars = re.findall(r"\{(.*?)\}", task_id) def _recursive_find_unfilled_vars(x): if OmegaConf.is_dict(x): return {k: _recursive_find_unfilled_vars(v) for k, v in x.items()} elif isinstance(x, str): unfilled_vars.extend(re.findall(r"\{(.*?)\}", x)) return x _recursive_find_unfilled_vars(task_specs) # deduplicate unfilled vars unfilled_vars = list(set(unfilled_vars)) if len(unfilled_vars) == 0: # no unfilled vars, just make the task ALL_TASKS_SPECS[task_id] = task_specs else: unfilled_vars_values = {var: _ALL_VARS[var] for var in unfilled_vars} for var_dict in product_dict(**unfilled_vars_values): filled_task_id = task_id.format(**var_dict) def _recursive_replace_var(x): if OmegaConf.is_dict(x): return {k: _recursive_replace_var(v) for k, v in x.items()} elif isinstance(x, str): return x.format(**var_dict) return x task_specs_filled = _recursive_replace_var(task_specs) for k, v in task_specs_filled.items(): if k == "target_quantities": task_specs_filled[k] = int(v) task_specs_filled["prompt"] = task_specs_filled["prompt"].replace("_", " ") task_specs_filled["prompt"] = task_specs_filled["prompt"].replace(" 1", "") ALL_TASKS_SPECS[filled_task_id] = task_specs_filled # check no duplicates assert len(set(ALL_TASKS_SPECS.keys())) == len(ALL_TASKS_SPECS) # load prompts and guidance for programmatic tasks P_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE = OmegaConf.load( _resource_file_path("programmatic_tasks.yaml") ) # check no duplicates assert len(set(P_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE.keys())) == len(P_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE) # load prompts and guidance for creative tasks C_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE = OmegaConf.load(_resource_file_path("creative_tasks.yaml")) # check no duplicates assert len(set(C_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE.keys())) == len(C_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE) # load prompt and guidance for Playthrough task PLAYTHROUGH_PROMPT_GUIDANCE = OmegaConf.load( _resource_file_path("playthrough_task.yaml") ) # check only one playthrough task assert len(PLAYTHROUGH_PROMPT_GUIDANCE.keys()) == 1 ALL_PROGRAMMATIC_TASK_IDS = list(P_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE.keys()) ALL_PROGRAMMATIC_TASK_INSTRUCTIONS = { task_id: ( P_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE[task_id]["prompt"], P_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE[task_id]["guidance"], ) for task_id in ALL_PROGRAMMATIC_TASK_IDS } ALL_CREATIVE_TASK_IDS = list(C_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE.keys()) ALL_CREATIVE_TASK_INSTRUCTIONS = { task_id: ( C_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE[task_id]["prompt"], C_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE[task_id]["guidance"], ) for task_id in ALL_CREATIVE_TASK_IDS } PLAYTHROUGH_TASK_ID = list(PLAYTHROUGH_PROMPT_GUIDANCE.keys())[0] PLAYTHROUGH_TASK_INSTRUCTION = ( PLAYTHROUGH_PROMPT_GUIDANCE[PLAYTHROUGH_TASK_ID]["prompt"], PLAYTHROUGH_PROMPT_GUIDANCE[PLAYTHROUGH_TASK_ID]["guidance"], ) ALL_TASK_IDS = ALL_PROGRAMMATIC_TASK_IDS + ALL_CREATIVE_TASK_IDS + [PLAYTHROUGH_TASK_ID] ALL_TASK_INSTRUCTIONS = { **ALL_PROGRAMMATIC_TASK_INSTRUCTIONS, **ALL_CREATIVE_TASK_INSTRUCTIONS, PLAYTHROUGH_TASK_ID: PLAYTHROUGH_TASK_INSTRUCTION, } f"Loaded {len(P_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE)} Programmatic tasks, " f"{len(C_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE)} Creative tasks, " """and 1 special task: "Playthrough". """ f"Totally {len(P_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE) + len(C_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE) + 1} tasks loaded." ) def _parse_inventory_dict(inv_dict: dict[str, dict]) -> list[InventoryItem]: return [InventoryItem(slot=k, **v) for k, v in inv_dict.items()] def _specific_task_make(task_id: str, *args, **kwargs): assert task_id in ALL_TASKS_SPECS, f"Invalid task id provided {task_id}" task_specs = ALL_TASKS_SPECS[task_id].copy() # handle list of inventory items if "initial_inventory" in task_specs: kwargs["initial_inventory"] = _parse_inventory_dict( task_specs["initial_inventory"] ) task_specs.pop("initial_inventory") # pop prompt from task specs because it is set from programmatic yaml task_specs.pop("prompt") # meta task meta_task_cls = task_specs.pop("__cls__") task_obj = _meta_task_make(meta_task_cls, *args, **task_specs, **kwargs) return task_obj
[docs]def make(task_id: str, *args, cam_interval: int | float = 15, **kwargs): """ Make a task. task_id can be one of the following: 1. a task id for Programmatic tasks, e.g., "combat_bat_extreme_hills_barehand" 2. format "creative:{idx}" for the idx-th Creative task 3. "playthrough" or "open-ended" for these two special tasks 4. one of "harvest", "combat", "techtree", and "survival" to creative meta task """ if task_id.startswith("creative:"): creative_idx = int(task_id.split(":")[1]) assert len(C_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE) > creative_idx >= 0 info = C_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE[task_id] env_obj = _meta_task_make("creative", *args, **kwargs) env_obj.specify_prompt(info["prompt"]) env_obj.specify_guidance(info["guidance"]) env_obj.collection = info["collection"] env_obj.source = info["source"] elif task_id in P_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE: info = P_TASKS_PROMPTS_GUIDANCE[task_id] env_obj = _specific_task_make(task_id, *args, **kwargs) env_obj.specify_prompt(info["prompt"]) env_obj.specify_guidance(info["guidance"]) elif task_id.lower() == PLAYTHROUGH_TASK_ID.lower(): info = PLAYTHROUGH_PROMPT_GUIDANCE[PLAYTHROUGH_TASK_ID] env_obj = _specific_task_make(task_id, *args, **kwargs) env_obj.specify_prompt(info["prompt"]) env_obj.specify_guidance(info["guidance"]) elif task_id.lower() in [ "open-ended", "harvest", "combat", "techtree", "survival", ]: env_obj = _meta_task_make(task_id, *args, **kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f"Invalid task id provided {task_id}") return ARNNWrapper(env_obj, cam_interval=cam_interval)